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sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2014

What tells about you your face shape !

What tells about you your face shape

People with oval faces have a balanced character , they are sweet , charming , diplomats , dangerous temperamentally weak , under active and women tend to be artists .

People with long faces tend to be athletic, are practical , methodical , overworked , narcisist and have problematic relationships.

People with round faces tend to be sensitive , caring , they have strong sexual fantasies and tend to have long term relationships.

People with square faces tend to be intelligent , analitical , decisive , agresive and have a dominating nature.

People with heart faces tend to be intellectual , persuasive , creative and have a fiery temperament , sometimes they are related with a thin body.

People with diamond faces tend to dominate with less force , get their way in politics , always balanced , ambitious and sometimes they are melancholic.

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